[download]This week Devo gets a new used car with Ray Stevens and still finds time to reach out from the great beyond to help us through another week! What a guy! Meanwhile, The Holderness Family just wants you to pick up your crap, and Allan Sherman has a homecoming for the ages.
1. "Used Cars" by Ray Stevens
2. "Leave It on the Stairs" by The Holderness Family
3. News of the Stupid!
4. "Shake Hands With Your Uncle Max" by Allan Sherman
Ray Stevens is at RayStevens.com
The Holderness Family are on YouTube
Allan Sherman's music can be found on your favorite streaming platform
Thank you to our Patreon backers for making this show possible!!!
[download]This week Devo protects all of us doggos from the scariest day of the year! BOOM! Cosmik takes America all the way back to it's roots, and Jason Derulo and Snoop Dogg show some love for the puppies! Meanwhile, Kristin Key sheds new light on a classic fairy tale.
1. "Make America Great..." by Cosmik
2. "Waggle" by Jason Derulo
3. News of the Stupid!
4. "Snow White (Death by Fruit)" by Kristin Key
Cosmik is at TheRealCosmik.Bandcamp.com
Jason Derulo is at JasonDerulo.com
Kristin Key is at KristinKey.com
Thank you to our Patreon backers for making this show possible!!!
[download]This week, Devo and Drew Jacobs are helping us all stay relevant! Getting old is for chumps. Phil Johnson and Roadside Attraction share the secrets of the internet, and Mason Bost needs some seam work done. Oof.
1. "If Sixty's the New Forty" by Drew Jacobs
2. "Kitties and Boobs" by Phil Johnson and Roadside Attraction
3. News of the Stupid!
4. "Tight Jeans" by Mason Bost
Drew Jacobs is at DrewJacobs.com
Phil Johnson is at RoadsideAttraction.com
Mason Bost is on YouTube at 109 Productions
Thank you to our Patreon backers for making this show possible!!!
[download]This week Devo helps get us fired up for another week with some motivational humor! Matt Shore teaches us how to be a great corporate success. Meanwhile, Bill Larkin does his best Grandpa impression at FuMPFest 2021, and Luke Ski flies through the cosmos like a greased Falcon!
1. "Turn Our Logo Gay" by Matt Shore
2. "The Grandpa Song" by Bill Larkin
3. News of the Stupid!
4. "Grease Wars" by the great Luke Ski
Matt Shore is on the various social media platforms as MattShore_ or MattShore__ depending on the platform
Bill Larkin is at BillLarkin.com
the great Luke Ski is at thegreatLukeSki.com
Thank you to our Patreon backers for making this show possible!!!
[download]This week Devo helps us ease into the week with a much appreciated courtesy flush. How thoughtful! Meanwhile, DJ Cummerbund traumatizes some muppets and Jessica Delfino shares some much needed inspiration for all the moms out there.
1. ""Wives For Dummies (Live)" by Drew Jacobs
2. "Oohwa Mahna" by DJ Cummerbund
3. News of the Stupid!
4. "I'm a Mom" by Jessica Delfino
Drew Jacobs is at DrewJacobs.com and you can pick up his new album at DrewJacobs.bandcamp.com
DJ Cummerbund is on YouTube
Jessica Delfino is at JessicaDelfino.com
Thank you to our Patreon backers for making this show possible!!!
[download]This week Devo and ShoEboX are sharing some great money-saving tips for touring musicians! You'll never have to buy a mic stand ever again. Meanwhile, Bad Beth and Beyond is getting passive aggressive...southern style! And Randy Rainbow makes Florida a bit uncomfortable. Which one is Florida again? Oh yeah...
1. "Mic Stand" by Worm Quartet
2. "Deep South Aggression (That's Nice)" by Bad Beth and Beyond
3. News of the Stupid!
4. "GAY" by Randy Rainbow
Worm Quartet is at WormQuartet.com and be sure to check out his Kickstarter
Bad Beth and Beyond is at facebook.com/showmeonthedoll69
Randy Rainbow is at RandyRainbow.com
Thank you to our Patreon backers for making this show possible!!!
[download]This week Devo has the day off! But he won't be sleeping in, oh no. Instead, he'll be busy trying to keep Pinkard and Bowden from petting the dog. Meanwhile, Mike Elliott and Bud LaTour rock out with Jerry Lewis and Moonic Productions answers the question we never knew we had.
1. "Don't Pet the Dog" by Pinkard and Bowden
2. "Rock Me, Jerry Lewis" by Mike Elliott and Bud LaTour
3. News of the Stupid!
4. "If AC/DC Wrote Billie Jean" by Moonic Productions
Pinkard and Bowden can be found on your favorite streaming platform
Mark Jonathan Davis is at MarkJonathanDavis.com
Moonic Productions is on YouTube
Thank you to our Patreon backers for making this show possible!!!
[download]This week Devo eases us into another Monday in the weirdest way possible...with Weird Al! Meanwhile, Ogden Edsl tries to deal with the loss of his late best friend and the great Luke Ski takes a look at Babylon 5 through the lens of the 3 bad brothers we know so well.
1. "I Love Rocky Road (2022)" by "Weird Al" Yankovic
2. "Dead Puppies" by Ogden Edsl
3. News of the Stupid!
4. "No Sleep Till Babylon" by the great Luke Ski
Weird Al Yankovic is at WeirdAl.com
Ogden Edsl is at OgdenEdsl.com and you can now register for FuMPFest at FuMPFest.com
the great Luke Ski is at thegreatLukeSki.com
Thank you to our Patreon backers for making this show possible!!!
[download]This week things are heating up! Devo is cooking with fire and teaming up with Psychostick, Madonna, and...YOU?!?! Meanwhile, Jack Black and Kyle Gass are definitely NOT playing video games, and Richard Cheese is...well, I'd rather not say what Richard Cheese is up to.
1. "Metaldonna Medley" by Psychostick
2. "Video Games" by Tenacious D
3. News of the Stupid!
4. "Me So Horny" by Richard Cheese
Psychostick is at Psychostick.com and go to Psychostick.com/madonna for info about their video contest
Tenacious D is at TenaciousD.com
Richard Cheese is at RichardCheese.com
Thank you to our Patreon backers for making this show possible!!!
[download]This week Devo and Bonecage save us all from forgetting about Mother's Day. Whew! That was a close one. Meanwhile, Lauren Mayer and Carla Ulbrich wonder about wieners and Cirque du So What does improv like only they can.
1. "Call Your Mother" by Bonecage
2. "It Must Be Hard to Have a Penis" by Lauren Mayer and Carla Ulbrich
3. News of the Stupid!
4. "Let's Do Improv!" by Cirque du So What
Bonecage is at Bonecage.com
Lauren Mayer is at LaurenMayer.com and psychosupermom on Youtube
Carla Ulbrich is at CarlaU.com
Cirque du So What is at BaconNipples.com
Thank you to our Patreon backers for making this show possible!!!